【五一劳模 时代楷模】国储名医传承集团董事长:李文艺时间:2024-04-24 传统中医 现代科技 偏瘫中风患者的福音——访中医文化传承人 在“五一”国际劳动节来临之际,我们向身边的劳模、工匠致敬,讲述中国人才劳模、工匠的精彩故事,大力弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神,激励全国人民,以身边的劳模、工匠为榜样,不断拼搏进取,汇聚起开创中国高质量跨越式发展新篇章的磅礴力量,为建设社会主义现代化奋勇前行。为开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程 实现第二个百年奋斗目标凝聚强大精神力量。 在悠悠华夏五千多年的历史长河中,各行各业人才辈出,并且随着时代的进步,科技的发展,更多符合社会,符合人类的科技不断涌现。在中国中医药领域中有这样一位人物,他很平凡,却创造了一个又一个的奇迹;他很普通,却影响了一大批人追随,为中医事业奉献自己的力量,他就是中医科技,患者的福音——中医文化传承人李文艺。 一朝为医,一生赴救。初心不忘,使命在肩,李文艺忙碌的身影穿梭于病人之间,把简单和平凡演绎成无数个精彩的瞬间。 Once for a doctor, life to save. The original aspiration is not forgotten, and the mission is on his shoulder. Li Wenyi's busy figure shuttles between the patients, interpreting the simple and ordinary into countless wonderful moments. 健康是人类永恒的追求。实施健康中国战略,是从 源头维护人民健康。医学创新是推动国家发展的关键动力。中国医学工作者凭借卓越的智慧、前瞻性的思维创新前沿技术推动着医学进步,为国家的经济增长、社会进步和国民健康做出了巨大贡献。在医学界一个名字总被频繁提及李文艺老师,他正以其深厚的医学科研背景和前瞻性的创新思维,引领着祖国大健康的新方向。让我们一起了解,感动中国医学界最具影响力人物——李文艺老师。 Health is the eternal pursuit of mankind. To implement the Healthy China strategy is to safeguard people's health at the source. Medical innovation is the key driving force for national development. Chinese medical workers promote medical progress with their excellent wisdom, forward-looking thinking and innovative cutting-edge technologies, and have made great contributions to the country's economic growth, social progress and national health. Teacher Li Wenyi is often mentioned as a name in the medical field. He is leading the new direction of the great health of the motherland with his profound medical scientific research background and forward-looking innovative thinking. Let's learn about —— Li Wenyi, the most influential person in the Chinese medical field. 近年来,随着现代科技与传统中医的结合,越来越多的中医特色疗法走进了公众视野。其中,国储名医传承集团福康堂中医康复偏瘫中风疗法,以其不打针、不手术、无痛苦的独特疗法,以及中央电视台、人民日报的推广,受到了广大患者的青睐。 In recent years, with the combination of modern technology and traditional Chinese medicine, more and more TCM characteristic therapies have entered the public view. Among them, Fukangtang Traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation hemiplegia stroke therapy, has been favored by the majority of patients for its unique therapy without injection, without surgery, and without pain, as well as the promotion of CCTV and People's Daily. 福康堂中医血栓病专科,以其创始人李文艺教授独特的微针祛栓全息清淤通络三联疗法,为偏瘫中风患者带来了新的希望。该疗法利用现代科技与传统中医的结合,通过微针技术,清除血栓,畅通经络,帮助患者恢复健康。 Fukangtang thrombosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with its founder professor Li Wenyi's unique holographic dredging triple therapy, has brought new hope for hemiplegia stroke patients. The therapy uses the combination of modern technology and traditional Chinese medicine to remove thrombosis and unblock meridians. 与其他治疗方法相比,福康堂的疗法不仅避免了手术的痛苦,而且费用仅为三甲医院的五分之一,真正实现了中医的普及与惠众。此外,中央电视台和人民日报的推广,也使得这一疗法得到了更广泛的认可和关注。Compared with other treatment methods, the treatment of Fukangtang not only avoids the pain of surgery, but also costs only one-fifth of that of a grade A hospital, truly realizing the popularization of TCM and benefiting the Chinese medicine. In addition, the promotion of CCTV and People's Daily has also made this therapy more widely recognized and concerned. 国储名医传承集团的福康堂,以其专业的技术,实惠的价格,以及中医的独特魅力,为患者带来了真正的福音。我们期待福康堂在未来的发展中,能够继续秉承中医的精髓,结合现代科技,为更多的患者提供更好的服务,让中医的力量,为人民的健康保驾护航。 特别报道大国医术 微针祛栓 中医适宜技术应用的典范——辽宁国储名医集团 董事长李文艺。 Special report on the model of TCM application of microneedle clearing technology —— Liaoning State Reserve Famous doctor Group. 李文艺是国储名医的董事长,他以守正创新、砥砺前行的精神,为中医文化的传承做出了卓越的贡献。在他的领导下,国储名医积极探索中医药现代化发展的道路,致力于将传统中医知识应用于现代医学和健康管理中。 famous doctor of the State Reserve. He has made outstanding contributions to the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture with the spirit of integrity, innovation and perseverance. Under his leadership, the famous state reserve doctors actively explored the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, and devoted themselves to the application of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge to modern medicine and health management. 福康堂中医康复偏瘫中风的疗法,是中医与现代科技结合的典范。它不仅体现了中医的独特魅力,也展现了中医的责任与担当。 Fukang Tang traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation hemiplegia stroke therapy, is a model of the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern science and technology. It not only reflects the unique charm of TCM, but also shows the responsibility and responsibility of TCM. 中医作为中国传统文化的重要组成部分,拥有深厚的理论和实践基础。福康堂的疗法,正是利用了中医的精髓,结合现代科技,为患者提供了更为精准、更为有效的治疗手段。这种创新精神,值得赞赏。 As an important part of Chinese traditional culture, traditional Chinese medicine has a profound theoretical and practical foundation. The therapy of Fukang Tang makes use of the essence of traditional Chinese medicine and combines with modern technology to provide patients with more accurate and effective treatment means. This spirit of innovation is commendable. 同时,福康堂的疗法,以其不打针、不手术、无痛苦的特点,真正实现了中医的普惠性。这样的做法,不仅让患者受益,也提升了中医的社会形象。 At the same time, the therapy of Fukang Tang, with its characteristics of no injection, no surgery, no pain, truly realizes the universal benefit of traditional Chinese medicine. Such a practice not only benefits patients, but also improves the social image of TCM. 然而,我们也要看到,中医的发展还有很长的路要走。福康堂的成功,只是中医现代化的一个开始。我们期待,有更多的中医机构,能够像福康堂一样,秉持科学态度,勇于创新,为中医的发展贡献力量。 However, we should also see that the development of traditional Chinese medicine still has a long way to go. The success of Fukang Tang is just the beginning of the modernization of TCM. We expect that more TCM institutions, like Fukang Tang, will uphold a scientific attitude and brave innovation to contribute to the development of TCM. 总的来说,福康堂中医康复偏瘫中风疗法,是中医与现代科技结合的典范,是中医的魅力与责任的体现。我们期待,中医能够在现代化的道路上,走得更远,更好地服务于人民。 In general, Fukang Tang TCM rehabilitation hemiplegia stroke therapy is a model of the combination of Chinese medicine and modern technology, and the embodiment of the charm and responsibility of Chinese medicine. We expect that TCM will go further on the road of modernization and better serve the people。 李文艺带领的国储名医专家团队不仅在临床实践中拥有丰富的经验,还在中医理论研究方面取得了重要的成果。他深入研究古代医籍和经典著作,将传统中医知识与现代科学相结合,为中医药的发展提供了新的思路和方法。 The team of famous medical experts led by Li Wenyi not only has rich experience in clinical practice, but also makes important achievements in the theoretical research of traditional Chinese medicine. He deeply studied the ancient medical books and classic books, combined the traditional Chinese medicine knowledge with the modern science, and provided new ideas and methods for the development of traditional Chinese medicine. 国储名医董事长李文艺与中国科学院院士黄正明亲切交流 文艺董事长与联合国国际生态生命安全科学院院士刘焕兰合影 作为中医文化传承人,李文艺非常重视中医的传统文化价值。他积极参与中医药的国际交流与合作,推动中医文化在世界范围内的传播和交流。他还致力于培养中医人才,传承中医药的宝贵经验和技术。 As an inheritor of TCM culture, Li Wenyi attaches great importance to the traditional cultural value of TCM. He actively participates in the international exchange and cooperation of TCM, and promotes the dissemination and exchange of TCM culture around the world. He is also committed to cultivating TCM talents and inheriting the valuable experience and technology of TCM. 李文艺荣获中医文化传承人的殊荣,是对他多年来在中医药事业中的杰出贡献的认可和肯定。他的成就不仅为中医药事业的发展树立了榜样,也为中医文化的传承和创新注入了新的活力。 Li Wenyi won the honor of inheritor of traditional Chinese medicine culture, which is the recognition and affirmation of his outstanding contribution to the cause of traditional Chinese medicine over the years. His achievements not only set an example for the development of TCM, but also inject new vitality into the inheritance and innovation of TCM culture. 人物介绍:李文艺,中医文化传承人、中国管理科学研究院客座教授、高级中医师、中华名医网百位特别医学贡献奖获得者、中国东北著名商业地产策划与实战专家,辽宁国储名医传承健康产业(集团)有限公司、国储名医大连福康堂中医院有限公司董事长、中医适宜技术治疗慢病专利专科联盟主席,国家卫健委科技创新一等奖《境化疗愈法》应用倡导者,中国科学院院士“国医大师”石学敏中医疗法法定传承人“三联疗愈法”的联合创始人,中国中医科学院康萍荣通慢病快治中心康复中心发展的践行者,“一带一路”中医文化传播大使、并担任阿联酋辽宁商会文化产业协会会长、非洲商务联盟东北区副主席等多个社会职务。 Character introduction: Li Wenyi, Inheritor of Traditional Chinese medicine culture, visiting professor of Chinese Academy of Management Science, senior Traditional Chinese medicine doctor, 100 Special Medical Contribution Award winner of China Famous Medical Network, famous commercial real estate planning and actual combat expert in Northeast China, Chairman of Liaoning State Reserve Famous Doctor Inheritance Health Industry (Group) Co., LTD., State Reserve Fukang Hospital Management Group (Liaoning) Co., LTD.,Chairman of China Patent Alliance for the Treatment of Chronic Diseases, The application advocate of the first prize of science and technological innovation of the National Health Commission, Co-founder of Shi Xuemin, the "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine", an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, A practitioner of the development of rehabilitation Center of Kangping Rongtong ChronicDisease Rapid Treatment Center of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, "Belt and Road" Ambassador of Traditional Chinese medicine culture communication, and served as the president of Cultural Industry Association of Liaoning Chamber of Commerce, vice chairman of Northeast District of African Business Union and other social positions. 访辽宁国储名医传承健康产业(集团)有限公司董事长李文艺 人的一生,在浩瀚的历史长河中,犹如天上的流星一闪即逝。生命虽然短暂,但每个人都在演绎着自己的人生故事。 Visit Li Wenyi, chairman of Liaoning State Reserve Inheritance Health Industry (Group) Co., LTD People's life, in the vast history of the long river, like a meteor in the sky a flash is fleeting. Although life is short, but everyone is interpreting their own life story. 著名科学家爱因斯坦说:“人只有奉献于社会,才能找出那短暂而有奉献的生命意义。” The famous scientist Albert Einstein said: " Only by contributing to the society can people find out the short and dedicated meaning of life.” 人民好战士雷锋同志说:“要把自己有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中去。” Comrade Lei Feng, a good soldier of the people, said, " We must devote our limited life to serving the people indefinitely.” 如今,在祖国东北辽宁,有这样一位企业家,他以中医药文化传播为己任,打造以医康养产业联盟总部(北京)+中医院联盟+社区康复中心联盟为依托,100名中医名师荟萃,线上问诊,线下治疗,疗法创新应用为核心价值的国储福康慢性病治疗与糖尿病特色治疗康复管理专科联盟产业集团,特别是经过国储名医集团多位专家多次临床试验研发出一套安全、系统、规范的治疗方案“微针祛栓3.0”——国储福康全息除淤通脉疗法,在中国中医科学院慢病快治慢病康复中心的支持和推动下,有望成为专科医疗规范标准,并将在全国打造治疗血栓病等慢病的专科联盟,国储名医集团与国储福康医院管理集团发展的愿景“让亿万慢性病心脑血管病糖尿病等疑难杂症患者重获健康,让千万因病返贫家庭重获生活的希望”。 nowadays, In northeast Liaoning, There is one such an entrepreneur, He took the dissemination of TCM culture as his own responsibility, Based on the headquarters of Medical and Health Care Industry Alliance (Beijing) + Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Alliance + Community Rehabilitation Center Alliance, 100 famous Chinese medicine teachers, Online consultation, Offline therapy, Innovative application of therapy as the core value of Guochu Fukang Chronic Disease Treatment and Diabetes Characteristic Treatment and Rehabilitation Management Specialty Alliance Industry Group, In particular, a number of experts from the Group have developed a set of safe, systematic and standard treatment plan"microneedle thrombolysis 3.0" —— State Reserve Fukang holographic pulse therapy, With the support and promotion of the Chronic Disease Rapid Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Is expected to become a standard of specialized medical standards, And will build a national specialist alliance for the treatment of chronic diseases such as thrombosis, The vision of the development of the National Reserve Medical Group and the National Reserve Fukang Hospital Management Group " enableshundreds of millions of patients with chronic diseases, diabetes and other difficult diseases to regain health, Let thousands of families who return to poverty due to illness to regain the hope of life." 他就是辽宁国储名医传承集团、辽宁国储福康医院管理集团的李文艺董事长 He is Li Wenyi, chairman of Liaoning State Reserve Famous Inheritance Group and Liaoning State Reserve Fukang Hospital Management Group 国储名医福康堂是一家提供中风偏瘫治疗的医疗机构,被认为是国内首选的医疗机构之一。他们拥有一支由国内知名的中风专家组成的医疗团队,拥有先进的医疗设备和技术,专门致力于中风偏瘫的治疗和康复。国储名医福康堂在中风偏瘫的治疗方面积累了丰富的经验,并采用个性化、综合性的治疗方案,帮助患者恢复功能和提高生活质量。因此,国储名医福康堂是国内首选的医疗机构之一。 Fukang Tang, a famous state reserve doctor, is a medical institution providing the treatment of stroke hemiplegia, which is considered to be one of the preferred medical institutions in China. They have a medical team composed of well-known domestic stroke experts, with advanced medical equipment and technology, dedicated to the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke hemiplegia. Fukang Tang, a famous national reserve doctor, has accumulated rich experience in the treatment of stroke hemiplegia, and adopts personalized and comprehensive treatment plans to help patients restore their functions and improve their quality of life. Therefore, the famous doctor Fukang Tang is one of the preferred medical institutions in China. 人生前半场,李文艺就是叱咤商界的成功人士。二十世纪九十年代李文艺是大型国有企业的厂办秘书,在一般人眼里这己是值得众人仰望的岗位了,他却不甘现状,创新求变发展是藏匿在李文艺骨子里基因,在改革开放快速发展期李文艺投入了文化产业,在中国北方打破了电台每晚22点停播的历史,开创了第一档午夜情感节目《灯火阑珊》,在全国足球疯狂的年代,首开电台的足球赛事直播节目,在大连建市百年的时代节点,李文艺被邀请担当了大连建市百年标志性建筑及商业项目百年城集团首任经营总经理,首次提出为北方大引进台湾太平洋百货,并为万达商业连锁的发展与掘起奠定了坚实基础,把不可能变成了现实,为浪漫大连时尚大连及全东北开启了不用去香港即可感受到世界的时尚文化,并在国内购物中心内首创开设世界名品中心的先河,为大连开启了全新国际化商业模式。之后,李文艺接连成功策划了,大连温州商业城、沈阳温州城、大连星海百年汇广场、期货大厦广场、国际汽车城、国际建材城,大连旅顺湿地公园、千山国际温泉度假区、沈阳棋盘山风景度假区等众名知名品牌项目,四十年的商业经历,磨砺出了李文艺坚强、不屈不挠,睿智的品质和性格,为他开启下半程精彩人生夯实了基础。 In the first half of his life, Li Wenyi is a successful person in the business community. In the 1990s, Li Wenyi was a factory secretary of a large state-owned enterprise, In the eyes of ordinary people, this post is worthy of public hope, He was unwilling, however, Innovation, change and development is hidden in Li Wenyi's bones, During the rapid development period of reform and opening up, Li Wenyi invested in the cultural industry, Breaking the history of radio broadcasting at 22 pm in northern China, He ated the first midnight emotional show, "Little Lights," In the age of national football madness, First live radio football show, At the time of Dalian, LiWenyi was invited to be the first general manager of Dalian Centennial City Group, a landmark building and commercial project, First proposed the introduction of Taiwan Pacific Department Store for North China, And has laid a solid foundation for the development and excavation of Wanda commercial chain, Turning the impossible into a reality, Dalian and the fashion culture of the whole northeast opened to feel the world without going to Hong Kong, And in the domestic shopping center to open theworld famous products center, It has opened a new international business model for Dalian. Later, Li Wenyi have successfully planned, Dalian Wenzhou commercial city, Shenyang, Dalian xinghai square, futures building plaza, international auto city, international building city, Dalian lushun wetland park, qianshan international hot spring resort, Shenyang chessboard mountain scenic resort and other famous brand project, forty years of business experience, honed out the Li Wenyi strong, indomitable,wise quality and character, open the next half wonderful life for him to consolidate the foundation. 抓住机遇 成就精彩 Seize the opportunity and make wonderful achievements 忆往昔,长风猎猎,马蹄哒哒,这片土地上曾驰骋过女真族人的铁骑,清王朝从这里出发一统江山。看今朝。辽宁舰和首艘国产航母都从这里扬帆,歼15舰载机也是从这里,冲上云霄。中国奥运第一人刘长春、乒坛大满贯选手马龙、射击名宿王义夫,更有雷锋、孟泰、郭明义、罗阳……这些耳熟能详的名字让人倍感辽宁这片热土的人杰地灵。 Recalling the past, the long wind hunting, horseshoe dada, this land had galloped on the iron horse of the Nuzhen people, the Qing Dynasty set out from here to unify the country. Look at the present. The Liaoning and the first domestically built aircraft carrier both sailed from here, and the J-15 carrier-based aircraft soared into the sky from here. Liu Changchun, the first player of the Chinese Olympic Games, table tennis grand Slam player Ma Long, shooting famous Wang Yifu, more Lei Feng, Meng Tai, Guo Mingyi, Luo Yang... these familiar names make people feel Liaoning this hot land of outstanding people. 2019年,健康中国行动启动,全国各地随之积极响应。2019年12月,辽宁以省政府名义印发了《健康辽宁行动实施方案》。《方案》要求深入落实党中央、国务院健康中国战略部署和省委、省政府建设健康辽宁的工作要求,坚持新时代卫生与健康工作方针,以提高全省人民健康水平为核心,以个人自律、预防为主、优化服务、共建共享为基本路径,强化政府、社会、个人健康责任,倡导健康文明生活方式,预防控制重大疾病,在全省形成有利于健康的生活方式、生态环境和社会环境,全方位全周期保障全省人民健康。全省居民主要健康指标到2022年位居全国前列,到2030年达到高收入国家水平。 In 2019, the Healthy China Initiative was launched, and all parts of the country responded positively. In December 2019, Liaoning issued the Implementation Plan for the Healthy Liaoning Action in the name of the provincial government."Scheme" requires further implementation of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council health China strategic deployment and the provincial party committee, the provincial government construction health Liaoning work requirements, adhere to the new era of health and health policy, in order to improve the level of the provincial people's health as the core, with personal self-discipline,prevention, optimization service, sharing as the basic path, strengthen the government, society, personal health responsibility, advocate healthy civilized lifestyle, prevention and control of major diseases, in the province form conducive to healthy lifestyle, ecological environment and social environment, all-round full cycle to ensure the provincial people's health. The main health indicators of residents in the province will rank among the top in China by 2022 and reach the level of high-income countries by 2030. 凡易之道,与时偕行。曾经商四十年的李文艺敏锐认识到中国己快速进入老龄化,发展健康产业迫在眉睫,三年的新冠疫情让世界看到了中国中医的博大精深,为发掘中医宝藏,传承中医疗法,用中医适宜技术解除人们对心血管和脑血栓糖尿病疼痛等疾病带来的健康损害、心理伤痛和大量的金钱负担,李文艺携手国内众多名家名医及扁鹊传承人和药王孙思邈传人,发起并组建了国储名医传承专家团队,开创出一条专业化系统化用中医适宜技术治疗慢性病的全新疗法,国储福康“全息除瘀通脉疗”法旨在帮助亿万血栓病糖尿病癌症等慢性病患者重获健康生活,让千万因病返贫的家庭重获生活希望。 Every easy way, walk together with The Times. After forty years in business, Li Wenyi was keenly aware that China was rapidly aging, The development of the health industry is imminent, Three years of COVID-19 has shown the world the breadth and depth of Chinese medicine, To discover the treasure of traditional Chinese medicine, Inheriting the TCM therapy, Using appropriate TCM technology to relieve people's health damage, psychological pain and heavy money burden caused by cardiovascular, cerebral thrombosis and diabetes pain, Li Wenyi joined hands with many famous doctors, the inheritors of Bian Que and the descendants of medicine king Sun Simiao, Initiated and established the inheritance expert team ofnational reserve and famous doctors, Create a professional and systematic treatment of chronic diseases, The "holographic blood stasis removal and pulse treatment" law aims to help hundreds of millions of patients with chronic diseases such as thrombosis, diabetes and cancer to regain a healthy life, Let tens of millions of families back to poverty due to illness regain hope. 国储名医集团福康堂走进中原郑州,与河南荣安集团强强联手,开展慢病快治康复防治及功能医学再生医学及干细胞应用,并由中科院院士吴祖泽、王捷、陶然领衔,临床专家汇聚,融合发展,大连落地临床,助力辽宁振兴,健康中国。 The store famous doctor group FuKang hall into the central plains of Zhengzhou, and Henan RongAn group, slow disease fast cure rehabilitation prevention and functional medicine regenerative medicine and stem cells, and by the member of Chinese Academy of Sciences Wu Zuze, wang, tao ran, led by clinical experts, fusion development, Dalian ground clinical, power Liaoning revitalization, healthy China. 国储名医福康堂精心策推共赢项目,为心梗脑梗、中风偏瘫血栓病、糖尿病、风湿骨痛、鼻炎等慢性疾病、疑难杂症患者带来福音。不打针、不开刀、不手术,纯中医特色。 Fukangtang, a famous doctor of the State Reserve, carefully promoted the win-win project, to bring good news for patients with chronic diseases and difficult diseases such as cerebral infarction, stroke, hemiplegia and thrombosis, diabetes, rheumatic bone pain and rhinitis. No injection, no operation, no surgery, pure traditional Chinese medicine characteristics. 健康中国的内涵,不仅是确保人民身体健康,更涵盖全体人民健康环境、健康经济、健康社会在内的大健康,文艺认为,任何事情和发展这个曲折性的发展,没有一帆风顺,在困境中发展,在逆境中成长,中国中医药几千年的发展生生不息正是很好的证明。 Healthy connotation of China, is not only to ensure that people's health, more covers all the people's health environment, health, health, health, health, literature, anything and development of the tortuous development, not plain sailing, development in trouble, grow in adversity, the development of Chinese medicine is a good proof. 2023年6月祝国储名医集团大连北域六区总部成立暨国储康益集团中医技术传承培训中心(总院)落户瓦房店市。 In June 2023, the headquarters of the sixth District of Dalian North Famous Doctor Group was established and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology Inheritance Training Center of Kangyi Group (General Hospital) was settled in Wafangdian City. 专业专注 拥抱未来 Professional focus, embrace the future 没有金刚钻揽不了瓷器活。历经多少不眠之夜和磨难,李文艺不忘初心,砥砺前行,他集合各种优势资源,以国储名医集团发展为基础,快速发展进军医康养全产业链生态中来,从一个大健康企业升级为专业化医疗管理服务平台,从单一的沈阳的医院专科发展成为有诊所、医疗专科、多种合作形式组织的医疗企业集团。打造特色专科,如专治中风偏瘫的血栓病专科、糖尿病专科,风湿骨痛专科、癌症康复专科、医疗美容专科等特色鲜明的专科服务体系。同时,由于他品德优秀,也幸运的成为中国中医科学院慢病快治中心慢病康复中心落地东北的推广者和践行者。 You can't get porcelain without diamonds. After many sleepless nights and hardships, Li Wenyi don't forget to beginner's mind, self-motivated, he set various advantage resources, on the basis of the store doctor group development, rapid development into the whole industry chain ecology, from a big health enterprise upgrade to professional medical management service platform, from a single Shenyang hospital specialty into a clinic, medical specialist, a variety of forms of cooperation organization of medical enterprise group. To build distinctive specialties, such as thrombosis, diabetes,rheumatism bone pain, cancer rehabilitation, medical cosmetology and other distinctive specialties. At the same time, due to his excellent moral character, he is also lucky to become the promoter and practitioner of the Chronic Disease Rehabilitation Center of the Chronic Disease Rapid Treatment Center of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Northeast China. 国储福康“全息除瘀通脉疗法”主要治疗中风偏瘫和血栓病引发的各种慢性疾病,其疗法是采用传统中医方法辅以现代科技,以刺络负压罐针、筋膜松解刃针、神经拔针、腱膜挑(切)刃针、腱膜挑针等设备及针器具配合相关中医药物治疗和中医理疗叠加,针对脑卒中后遗症、冠状动脉缺血性疾病,尤其是心脏支架替换疗法、颈椎病、腰间盘突出症等相关慢性疾病有独特疗效,有效率达95%以上。 展望未来,李文艺将带领国储福康集团医康养专家团队和有志于从事大健康产业,中医文化弘扬,热爱适宜技术推广的各界人士,遵循“医治技术更精湛、治疗康复效果更稳固,高位引领、普惠为民”的指导思想,以大连为总部,沈阳为基地,以北京为行政中心,在上海打造高端的医疗窗口,通过进驻海南国际港,走向“一带一路”,打造以纯中医绿色疗法创新应用为核心价值的国储福康慢性病治疗的专科产业联盟,普惠万家,服务世界,来实现民族文化的自信和自强,为实现伟大中国梦健康贡献一份力量。 look forward to the future, Li Wenyi will lead the team of health experts and be interested in the big health industry, Promotion of traditional Chinese medicine culture, People from all walks of life who love appropriate technology promotion, Follow the " more exquisite treatment technology, the treatment and rehabilitation of a more stable effect, High-level leading, universal benefit for the people " the guiding ideology, With Dalian as its headquarters, Shenyang as the base, With Beijing as the administrative center, Create a high-end medical window in Shanghai, By entering the Hainan International Port, Towards the "Belt and Road", To build aspecialized industrial alliance for chronic disease treatment with innovative application of pure TCM green therapy as the core value, Puhui wan family, Serving the world, To realize the self-confidence and self-improvement of the national culture, To contribute to the realization of the great Chinese dream. 李文艺董事长守全民大健康为己任,精益求精,业中精进,力求尽善尽美,竭尽全力弘扬推广挖掘传承中医中药文化。把中医药文化在民族学术交流中推广传播,公益开路帮扶救助传播,让国民提高意识,改变陈旧观念,推动民族大健康的发展。秉承着"普惠天下,济世于民"的宗旨,坚持以病人为基础,为广大人民群众的生命健康提供优质、贴心的服务,坚持"方简而力专,药廉能祛病"的行医理念,造福一方百姓! Chairman Li Wenyi is the responsibility to keep the great health of the whole people, strives for excellence, makes progress in the industry, strives to be perfect, and makes every effort to carry forward, promote, excavate and inherit the culture of traditional Chinese medicine. We will promote the spread of traditional Chinese medicine culture in academic exchanges among ethnic groups, and help and help the spread, so as to raise their awareness, change outdated ideas, and promote the healthy development of ethnic groups. Adhering to the "benefit the world, help the world in the people" purpose, adhere to the patient as the basis, to provide the life and health of the masses of the people to provide quality,intimate service, adhere to the "simple and dedicated, medicine can dispel diseases" medical concept, benefit the side of the people! 这里是大连,面朝大连,春暖花开,这里是大连,一个充满希望,生机盎然的城市,这是是大连,再次腾飞未来可期的城市,大连正敞开胸怀,拥抱世界,国储名医与大连共发展,健康中国,幸福万家… |